Our Kids

Our Kids
Our Family

Monday 19 September 2011


One thing Garry and I said going into this journey was that we were going to try and keep Lauren's daily routine as close to normal as possible.  Although we really didn't know what to expect when it came to casting positions, Lauren adjusting or equipment that would work, I think everything has really turned out well.  I say that almost one week into our 12 week casting journey!

Lauren loved music class, so my goal this fall was to get her back into music on Fridays.  Her first class was just last week.  Garry and I talked about skipping it or taking her, we didn't really know how much she would enjoy it as she would only be 2 days post op (which meant pretty drugged up and still adjusting to the cast).  But, since the class was only 2mins from home we decided to give it a go, if it didn't work then we would just excuse ourselves and head home.  Well, it turned out that little Lauren was in her glory.  She was dancing with her arms up and grooving to the music.  She really enjoyed watching all of the other kids dance and shake their musical instruments as well.  Even better was the fact that after the class she was exhausted and came home to enjoy a 2 1/2 hr nap! :)

One thing we rarely miss is Church!  Unless someone is sick or we are out of town we skip it, but other than that we are pretty much there on a weekly basis.  Lauren just loves the contemporary music, but her fav is she really loves seeing all of her wonderful friends - big and small!  We normally have her in the service for the first and last part and let her enjoy the nursery toys during the sermon; however this week she lasted for the whole sermon and into the prayer!  I was shocked at how well she was doing and also how happy she was to be there.  I think if she could have, she would have joined the band up on the stage and clapped and danced during every song!  It was wonderful to see her so happy!  We love our Church family!

Over the past week we have really come to love our walks whether it be during the day or in the early evening after dinner.  Garry and I have always tried to get the kids out at least 1-2 times a day for a good walk for as long as I could remember (even before Brayden).  But now these walks have now become our saving grace and Lauren's too I think.  Tonight Lauren woke up around 6pm from her 3hr nap a little grumpy.  It seemed that she was frustrated that she couldn't walk and also just out of sorts possibly with teething etc.  So, we packed the kids up and set off on our nightly stroll; Lauren on her pink trike and Brayden in his stroller.  I was able to adapt a little push trike Grandma and Grandpa got Lauren for Christmas last year.  I have added an extra long seat buckle on it as well as a no slip mat on the seat - we couldn't ask for a better fit for Lauren with that big cast.  So, off we went throughout the neighborhood with the two kiddo's and the dog for close to two hours.  Lauren's new thing is to hold the dog leash while on her trike and boss Freckles around.  She moves the leash from one hand to the other depending on which side Freckles is walking.  She yells out to him when he isn't keeping up or tugs on the leash if he needs to stay beside her.  Garry and I just laugh at the little bossy boots we have on our hands, good thing Freckles is pretty easy going!

There are so many little things we took for granted when it came to Lauren's care pre casting.  But now we are finding that we are having to be that much more attentive, pro active and organized and it is presenting a few challenges with two little ones, but we are coping and doing the best we know how (plus, it helps with Grandma and Granddad just across the street).  One thing that has made this whole transition easier is we are just so lucky to have such an easy going little baby during all this - baby Brayden has just been a dream.  He just needs love, food, cuddles and more food and he is happy!  If we can continue to keep our two little ones smiling each day then I know we are doing ok and adapting to our new life together as a family!

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